make your joy

I do believe that joy is something we can create.

Something I’m sure many parents will agree on is that spending days with your children will bring out the creativity in you.

You have to be resourceful…. you have to be spontaneous… you have to make your joy.

Yesterday it was a beautiful sunny day.

I knew it would be a day filled with the girls & I playing in the yard… so I said to them “let’s make a swing”…

I had no idea if it was possible, but one trip out to the garage & I found a rope & our christmas tree stand….. all that was needed then was a mother willing to practically climb a tree & tie a few knots… & then we had it…

joy all day long & plenty of swinging.

happy weekend!

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Newcastle, Hunter, Central Coast, Sydney


@lisa_jay | @lisajayphotosandfilms