Today I am grateful for…
Saturday morning brekky…
& for miss 2 who kindly offers to help mix & taste test the batter…
and for the little hands that appeared in front of me when I was cooking & so sweetly brought me a cup of tea…
(even though reaching up to the bench wasn’t easy)
& for home made goodness like this….
& that even though I only asked miss 4 to please put four plates on the table, when I came out I found this sweet little set up waiting…
I treasure these simple mornings together…
I am always reminded that no matter what is going on in the bigger picture of life, we should never let the small picture seem insignificant.
That the tiniest little things happening right in front of us can be the sweetest moments of our lives…
When it’s morning we can’t say what the rest of the day will bring, and sometimes the things that ‘have, need & ought’ to be done are a list never ending, but when we look closely at the little things calling for our attention right in front of us & give these little things our full focus, it somehow brings perspective to everything else. I don’t want to rush past the things that matter most… like the little hearts waiting for me to notice they’ve set the table… or a cup of tea offered with love… today I am grateful for the perspective that noticing the smaller things brings.